Summary of bed spaces

Room of four: 31 spaces left
Room of two: 33 spaces left
Room of three: 22 spaces left


  1. For new users, start the process by clicking on 'Register' from the menu.
    • On the registration page, fill in some basic information about yourself and click on the 'Submit Information' button to get started
  2. Login to the website by clicking on 'Login' from the menu.
    • On the login page, supply your matric number and password and click on 'Login'
    • Note that your surname is your default password. This can be changed later
  3. After logging in using any of the two steps above, you are required to go through the process in stages, using the links supplied on the menu.
  4. Use the 'Update passpport' link to upload your passport photograph. Note that your passport is required to not be more than 25KB in size, having a plane background with your face showing properly.
  5. After updating your passport, you are required to complete your profile information using the 'Update profile' link that will be available on the menu after uploading your profile. Fill the information as accurately as possble and click on the 'Update Information' button.
  6. After updating your profile information, you are required to print your profile slip using the 'Print Profile Slip' button available, take the printed slip to the hostel supervisor for endorsement, scan the endorsed copy of the slip and upload to the system using the 'Upload Signed Slip' link on the menu. You may reserve a room before uploading this endorsed slip, however, you have to have uploaded the slip before the room can finally be allocated to you.
  7. To reserve a room for allocation, use the 'My Apartment' link on the menu.
    • If you do not have a room yet for the current session, the link will display a page where you can select your desired type of room, desired block, and finally select a desired room. You will also get to see the number of bed spaces left in each room.
    • Note that a room can only be reserved for 48 hours within which you would have to have pay for the room, if you do not pay within this time, the room will be released for other willing occupants.
    • You can always access your reserved room for payment (within 48 hours) by clicking on the 'My apartment' link on the menu, after you have made the reservation.
    • After paying for the room, clicking on the 'My Apartment' link will make your allocation slip available for printing.
  8. Mode of Payment: You are to pay to our account with the details below:
    • Bank: Sterling Bank Plc.

    • Account Number: 0061068169

    • Account Name: Gulf Pearl Investment Limited.

  9. You are to upload your evidence of payment and wait for the confirmation.
  10. Note that you can stop the process at any point and continue at a later time.

Register or Login